Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dee-Lish-Us way to save and share info

So - my Delicious username is fritzdoreen Add me to your network!
I added a few sites that I visit a lot - some of the gurus of educational technology and information literacy. Also some organizations useful for school librarians and educational technologists.

And just for grins, I added the Internet Public Library, which I hardly ever use any more. Maybe I'll find that information is more readily available via a simple Google search. But not that many years ago, this was a wonderful resource for reference assistance using tools not available in all libraries. Hmmm. Maybe another result of the exponential growth of credible (and not-so) information available on the Web.

I'd be interested in hearing how the information available on the Internet has changed other teacher's professional lives -- how do you find good, realiable, up-to-date information, new lesson ideas, resources, and other tools for teaching (and learning)?

Does the library have a role in helping you to find and organize this type of information? For example, did you know about the page on our website which lists curricular resources? Do you ever use it? Should it be updated? Should it be available, but in a different format (like Delicious)? Your thoughts and input, please . . .

Thing 2 updates

Blogs that I am following:
  • Jessica Mauritzen ("I am chewing on 17 things")
  • Noelle Bajohr ("C'est Moi"),
  • Jame Holt ("Chew N Show")
  • Patty Sarkady ("Technology in Education")
  • Dan Mancoff ("Mancoff Chews on This").

Tags I have used so far include:
  • libraries
  • librarians
  • organizing information
  • role of librarian
  • professional
  • skills
  • technology
  • tools

Friday, November 13, 2009

Educators' and librarians' role

This video includes some provocative statements about how we educators are obligated to become citizens of the online information community in order to prepare our students for the society needs of their future.
When information is over-abundant, what need is there for a library or librarians? When people can organize their own information using tools like Delicious, RSS feeds, and so on, how can we support people's efforts to find, organize, and use information?

Why Not?

How could I call myself the Department Chair of Library and INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY if I didn't participate in this new technology initiative? I look forward to learning new skills, new tools for learning, and finding ways to use these new tools with teachers, students, and others in our learning community. And I look forward to working with all the other "students" in this "class" - as we learn and grow professionally together.